This plane, the Ford Tri-Motor 5-AT, flew its first flight on December 1, 1928.  Although it calls the Liberty Aviation Museum in Port Clinton, Ohio home, it is flying over the skies of central Oklahoma, today through Sunday. I was fortunate to be asked to take a ride in it.  I'll tell you all about it, after I land, during my show tonight.  You can take a ride too! Thursday (today) from 2-5, or Friday-Sunday from 9 to 5, the public is invited to fly in it.  Take off is at the Sundance Airport, which is north of NW Expressway, off of Sara Road (13000 North Sara Road, Oklahoma City, OK 73099) 

I'll be live on Face Book after 1:30 this afternoon, so follow me at Shawn Carey on KXY, @KXYShawnCarey, on Twitter @ScareyShawn, and @961kxy

Shawn Carey 7-midnight on 96.1 KXY


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