Turkey Chases Mail Carrier Down Street

(UPI) -- A Wisconsin mail carrier said a territorial turkey has been chasing him through a neighborhood every day for about a month.

Jeff Byrne, who has worked for the U.S. Postal Service for more than 20 years, said the wild turkey has been greeting him in the Allen Lane area of Waukesha every day and chasing after his truck daily.

Byrne said he isn't sure why the turkey is targeting him.

"Not sure if it's the color of the truck. Not sure what he really likes," Byrne said. "He was with a bunch of female turkeys."

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources said male turkeys are known to become aggressive and territorial during the mating season. Experts said the turkey also might be incensed by the bright lights on Byrne's trucks.

Byrne said he might try an air horn to scare the turkey off if it persists in chasing him…Or maybe a nice gift? video

Photo credit- Getty Images/Jim Cumming

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